Reviewing all of Cayman

Reviewing everything in the Cayman Islands for you

Taxi Part II December 10, 2008

So it seems that I am not the only one out there that has the feeling of being fleesed when it comes to getting home at night and not wanting to wrap my car around a telephone pole. 
I think it needs to be pointed out that this time of year the RCIP are out in full force and the traffic stops will be in abundance. This is a good thing! This is an important thing.

As the creator of this forum, I have access to this forum. I get to see the statistics on visitation; what links are been clicked and how long people stay etc etc. Well, needless to say, the visitation went through the roof. Again, this forum is not to sell a product. This forum simply started as a blind review that people may be able to get some good honest insight to places and things.  When I post a good honest point of view about the taxi system, in such a  time of year, it seems that the masses are in agreeance. 

We cannot allow the financial rape of the paying public to occur. It is simply not on. Where are the meter’s? This has been on the table in some Govermenment for some time now. Back in 2007 the Government hiked taxi rates 20+% (article) and the picture of the hierarchy with Pilar Bush at the top was one of satisfaction – no doubt!

Now, I am not the only one that thinks there are issues. Though I am considerate enough to thank Taxi Drivers for what they do – there are many issues out there – and I am not the only one that has had enough. Cayman Juice writes very strongly about the whole issue of the cayman taxi service and after further reading and rereading – I am hesitant to say a little too strongly and very unconstructive. 

Whats the answer? We can sit here all day and moan and moan. Well, the Department of Public Transport needs to regulate the service. Simple. I’d love to have a public copy of that little binder with all of our fares in it. I’d love to know where in regulation does it stipulate, if you are a tourist you are charged by the head and not by the journey. Tourists are paying $40 and $50 round trips PER PERSON depending on where they are heading. That is simply a crime! Not only a crime of theft but a crime against the tourism society we strive so hard to develop. Comments, suggestions et al are welcome. Please, the more opinion, from either side of the fence, the more we can open people’s eyes.