Reviewing all of Cayman

Reviewing everything in the Cayman Islands for you

The Lighthouse October 20, 2008

Filed under: Restaurants — Colin @ 2:20 pm
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Did you know how windy it was in the East? What a breeze. The wind comes in off the shore and it is strong enough to keep you cool in the soaring temperatures we are used to here in the Cayman’s. The only issue with this is the condensation off your beer, but if that is our biggest fear – well – we will be just fine.

OK, so the service staff are a little cocky. Maybe they can be. The business is soaring here despite it’s location out in Breakers on the South East side of the island. It’s a pleasant drive out there. Great on a Sunday afternoon. Once you get through the empty restaurant the outside porch area is teeming in it’s basic Cayman glory. There are no frills here. White walls, iced water and menu offering fresh seafood fresh from the waters that are ‘breaking’ on the reef in the view. Calamari, Conch, Tuna. A seafood lovers delight.

The staff also know that this day they were going to be busy and the speed of the kitchen was noted. Not too fast that you worry that it was all too fast and pre-made, but just enough for them to turn the tables and seat that table again. The cocky little fella was doing well though. He had beer on ice for us. It is the small touches that make a dining experience memorable and you want to go back again.

The lunch menu is a delight as are the prices. CI$13.00 is very reasonable for various lunch items. They do hit you with the regular menu on a Sunday though. So, don’t expect the CI$13.00 items to be prevalent. CI$47.00 for surf and turf would make a tourist turn in their grave or at least try to get into one. To them that is a US$68.00 menu item with the gratuity. Wow! It is fresh, it is great, it is memorable, it is not New York. Having said that, the Rack of Lamb which is a restaurant staple here in the Cayman Islands is reasonable at CI$28.00. So, choose wisely I guess. As long as you are happy with your spend you will leave the lighthouse very content.

Bodden Town, Breakers



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